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Sexual Assault

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Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (known as RAINN), the nation’s largest organization against sexual violence, reports that a person is sexually assaulted every 109 seconds. That’s once every minute and 49 seconds. Sexual assault is not a term used in conjunction with rape alone. It includes any type of sexual abuse– rape, attempted rape, other forcible sexual acts, and unwanted touching. Whether it’s a stranger, your boyfriend, your husband, or another family member, any unwanted sexual advances are, in fact, sexual assault.

Sexual Assault Statistics (in the U.S.)

  • 1 out of 6 women has been the victim of sexual assault or attempted rape
  • 9 out of every 10 sexual assault victims are female
  • More than half of sexual assaults occur at or near the victim’s home
  • Ages 18-34 have the highest risk of experiencing sexual violence
  • The rate of sexual assault has decreased by 74% in the last 23 years

Many people, both women and men, are hesitant to report sexual assault because they blame themselves or are ashamed of what happened. The effects of sexual assault include depression, suicidal thoughts, drug or alcohol abuse, problems having healthy relationships, and other long-lasting issues. If you’re not sure where to turn, contact your Capital Women’s Care provideror one of the resources below. There is help available.
