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Osteoporosis / DEXA Centers

Once believed to affect only older women, osteoporosis and low bone density affect over 52 million Americans, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). The reality is that osteoporosis can affect men and women of any race and any age. While being physically active with a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D can help reduce your risk of thin and fragile bones, there are some contributing factors that cannot be controlled.

These include:

  • Being over age 50
  • Menopause
  • Family history
  • Low body weight

Those with a high risk should have their bones scanned each year. A DEXA (or Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) scan is a quick way to evaluate bone mass. The scan is painless, typically taking less than 10 minutes, and can help your provider evaluate your condition. Capital Women’s Care offers DEXA scans in several of our Maryland offices, including Bethesda, Rockville, Silver Spring, Frederick, Hagerstown. To learn more about bone loss or DEXA scans, contact your CWC provider or visit our Osteoporosis page.