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Human Trafficking


National Human Trafficking Hotline

The mission of Capital Women’s Care is to “seek the highest quality medical and ethical standard in an environment that nurtures the spirit of caring for every woman.” This includes providing education and increasing awareness for issues affecting women every day. One of the issues receiving worldwide attention in recent years is human trafficking.

Misconceptions associated with human trafficking:

Human trafficking only occurs in poor areas of the world. Human trafficking exists worldwide and is prevalent in the United States. People of any age, race, gender, nationality, socioeconomic group can become a victim. You can’t be forced to provide sex or labor. Traffickers seek out those who are psychologically or emotionally vulnerable; facing economic hardship; and/or who don’t have a good social or support system. Using various tactics – such as force, coercion, threats, and abuse – they manipulate people into various types of servitude. The commercial sex trade is the only reason for human traffickingWhile paid sex is one reason for human trafficking, the motivation is also for free or cheap labor in business and domestic situations. Unfortunately, it’s become a profitable industry worldwide.

Do you know the signs?

Every human trafficking situation is unique, but there are some common signs of people who are victims of human trafficking:

  • Stops attending school
  • Sudden change(s) in behavior
  • Seems disoriented and/or confused
  • Displays signs of abuse, such as bruises in various stages of healing
  • Acts fearful, timid, and/or submissive
  • Controlled by the person he/she is with

Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign

The purpose of the Blue Campaign is to raise awareness of this generally hidden issue, to educate the public on recognizing the signs, and to provide a way to report suspicious activity. In addition, the Blue Campaign provides special training for law enforcement to increase human trafficking detection and protect the victims once illegal activity has been discovered. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the signs and report suspicious activity by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.